September 11, 2001

Minutes, Hours, Years

My 9/11 story

Terry Barr
Memories of 9/11
Published in
5 min readSep 8, 2021


Photo by Andrik Langfield on Unsplash

My dad died in December 2000. He was 74 years old. Parkinson’s got him, and by the end, he couldn’t speak. While he might have known me, he didn’t remember much, if anything, and even fell asleep during the last Alabama-Auburn football game of his life. The Iron Bowl. All his life he had been a rabid crimson tide fan. He went to UA on the GI Bill…



Terry Barr
Memories of 9/11

I write about music, culture, equality, and my Alabama past in The Riff, The Memoirist, Prism and Pen, Counter Arts, and am an editor for Plethora of Pop.