Member-only story
April 18, 7:00 PM
Join Me for a Virtual Reading
Of my essay collection, Secrets I’m Dying to Tell You
Among the first world worries and postponements we’ve experienced during and due to Covid, author’s book signings have taken a hit.
My essay collection, seen above, came out last summer, and I kept waiting for a time to plan a release party and do a reading from it. While I’ve now had my second vaccine, I still don’t feel comfortable staging a live event, so I’m turning to Medium and Zoom to announce that Sunday April 18th at 7 PM, Eastern Time, I will finally launch my book into the ethos-sphere via a live reading. Please join me if you can to celebrate, and if you’d like to buy a copy, it is available on Amazon:
I wish I could autograph the book, but let’s believe and hold ourselves to it that one day we will meet and hug and look each other in our writerly eyes and appreciate who we are and all that we have.
Here is the zoom link:
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