I do admit to having white guilt, and over the years I've written about it. I have had great privileges in growing up with an intact middle class family, and as one example, I never had to worry about catching a bus at 6 AM to high school as so many of the Black students did. They'd have to sit in a freezing gym for almost two hours before school started. I felt guilty every day, and while i know i hadn't done anything to technically feel guilty about, I understood even then that because of my skin color and economic class, I had the privilege of being able to waltz into school right before the bell rang and when I was driven home, parents who were there and made sure I had a snack, studied and got everything I needed. Again, I didn't ask for any of these privileges, but given the hard-line segregation and then the white flight after, I saw all around me kids/families who kept being poushed to the bottom because they had done nothing wrong other than to be "born Black.' I feel guilty about many other things, like not doing enough for hands-on local charities, but this is a start in answering your questions anyway.